Low Back Pain – Consult Your Physiotherapist
Low back pain is one of the leading causes of a daily disturbance at the workplace worldwide. Every four to five-person once or twice or even more suffer from low back pain in their lifetime. It has been seen that in IT sector reason for low back pain is one of the main causes of sick leaves which can be one of the largest company’s work power losses and also compromises with productivity. About 15% of leaves comprise back pain as the leading cause. Not only professionals are complaining of low back pain but also females as House Makers are also frequently suffer pain.
Children at the age of 12 to 15 years and adolescence are also do complaining of lower back pain. Old age people are also suffering from low backache often. Most of the time 45-60 years of age group is more prone to low backache which most of the time due to musculoskeletal imbalance and lack of activity and also do some extent psychological. Inappropriate posture while sitting can gradually cause a change in the normal S bend curvature to abnormal C bend curvature. This increases the intra-disc pressure causing pain over the lumbar region. This over a period of time can flatten the lumbar disc leading to pinching of the nerves passing through that area.
Women at the age of menopause complain of low backache on a regular basis which is more prevalent in females who are inactive during the course of pre and post-menopause. Menopause causes hormonal imbalances Which diminishes the metabolism and regulation of calcium and vitamin D. lack of calcium in women causes osteoporosis which with the course of time have a great impact on women’s spinal health and ultimately causes low back pain.
What could be the causes of frequently low back pain
Daily Activity: Your back is hurting very severely and it hindering your daily activity. At the acute phase, it’s the fact that you can confine you to the bed for few days and if not treated on time could be chronic low backache which will complete your whole life for quite a long time or in months or years.

Improper Posture: Major causes of low backache are your improper posture, lack of spine care more ever the leading cause is all your sedentary lifestyle. I am whole day working in a house, kitchen and running with children then also back pain.

Sitting Causes: You are working for hours in any workplace whether your house or office any construction site where ever, where our posture for quite a longer duration is erected means that is standing or sitting. Here our body musculature is not getting enough flexibility and with time gradually its fibers are losing nutrients and blood circulation is low. so our spine is like a dry bamboo plant when trying to bend or twist the body while any small work also, its tissue fiber gets is strained and your spine mostly lower back starts hurting.

Heavy Weight: Most of the time people complain that pain is started post lifting any kind of heavyweight or doing exercise. Again here the cause is lack of spinal flexibility. Your extensors of the spine are not flexible enough to tolerate the stretch of the tissues of back muscles and during its elongation to fulfill the purpose of lifting the weight, you land up in back pain. A disc bulge is one of the leading causes of low back pain.
Again it is more lack of exercise and muscle strength due to sudden pressure disc gets burst out of the vertebral columns. Sometimes it can be very chronic if it starts impinging spinal nerves comprising sciatica pain.

While most causes of LBP among older adults are non-specific and self-limiting, Seniors are prone to develop certain LBP pathologies and/or chronic LBP given their age-related physical and psychosocial changes. As compared to working-age adults, older adults are more likely to develop certain LBP pathologies (e.g., osteoporotic vertebral fractures, tumors, spinal infection, and lumbar spinal stenosis). Importantly, various age-related physical, psychological, and mental changes (e.g., spinal degeneration, comorbidities, physical inactivity, age-related changes in central pain processing, and dementia), as well as multiple risk factors (e.g., genetic, gender, and ethnicity), may affect the prognosis and management of LBP in older adults. The majority of LBP among older adults has no definite pathology (e.g., fracture or inflammation). These patients experience LBP that is altered by posture, activity, or time of the day. Non-specific LBP may originate from different pain source. Disc degeneration is also one main cause of the postural deformity and low back pain.
Back pain in children: Back pain in children can be due to Physical inactivity as nowadays most of the children and confined to computer TV and electronic gadgets. The constant sitting posture starts causes strain to the sacroiliac joint and also tailbone.
Children mostly sit in slouched posture which gradually changes the spinal curvature and results either in kyphosis or scoliosis and improper spinal curvature compromises with gait mechanism leading to back pain. Psychosocial difficulties, sports participation, obesity, positive family history of LBP and sedentary life have been possible risk factors for low back pain among children.

A sedentary lifestyle and degenerative changes cause the depletion of calcium and minerals from the body. In females, hormonal imbalance causes disturbance in the regulation and metabolism of micro and macronutrients. Gravity also pulls your body forward which leads to hump kind posture causing spinal curve deformity and low back pain.
What could be its Treatment
Consult Physiotherapist: It’s very high time to consult your physiotherapist if your back is hurting constantly. Physiotherapy treatment deals with all kinds of pain-relieving techniques without medication or the use of chemicals. It is a conventional method that works with the body physical mechanism and external electronic modalities which mostly based on safe current frequencies level and heat therapy or cold therapy with manual spinal manipulation or physical is exercises.

Physiotherapy is a kind very safe treatment if the patient has any kind of serious comorbidities. Where medicines are needed to be avoided like a person with chronic renal failure, peptic ulcers, cancer, any kind of chemical allergy. Physical modalities work to relieve pain. Electronic modalities like Interferential Therapy, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator and various other kinds of currents like,
1. Russian current dynamic currents
2. Burst mode
3. The ultrasonic device helps to relieve the pain of the patient.
Moist heat in most of cases is the first line of treatment to relax the tissues and increase blood circulation. And also to open the channels within muscle fiber for the outflow and inflow. A micro and macronutrients further help damaged tissue to repair and reduces inflammation helping in pain relief.
Back pain and pregnancy: During pregnancy where all kinds of external medication are thought to be avoided to prevent any kind of malformation in the fetus, then physiotherapy works very well to release any kind of pain in the body related to doing muscles and bones.
In patients with asthma where the patient is already on steroids and various other medicines and not to put much of the burden of chemicals on the body, physiotherapy intervention helps the patient to overcome his or her low back pain. Very rare but not least some of the patients are medicine intolerant then physical therapy works to relieve pain.

Once pain is reduced in quite a few sessions patient is put on for various exercises for posture corrections. Here physiotherapist not only focuses on back extensors muscles but also abdominal muscles that are called core muscles for their strengthening to overcome the gravitational and other kinds of external forces that are acting upon our body.
Best Physiotherapist Clinic in Panchkula
Various kinds of exercises will include muscle relaxation techniques, Stretching of group muscles
. Strengthening exercises to counterbalance
. Strengthening of weak muscles surrounding the pelvis.
We are having the best well equipped modern physiotherapy clinic in Panchkula which provides you world-class technique. We also use of all research-based modalities and techniques of rehabilitation to overcome your back pain. At our clinic, you will be evaluated and examined by a well qualified experienced physiotherapist.
Our team will work on your prescribed exercise prescription for your back pain and get your back pain free. Here you will be trained to self-care your back with all appropriate advice to adjust your body. We also design yoga and pilate exercises to strengthen your body and postural correction. Our expert pediatric physiotherapist who specifically designs all kinds of exercises for children to overcome their pain and obesity. For various other information, book your appointment now only https://www.blossomsphysiotherapy.in/
Best clinic in the region for CP cases and special children.
Dr jyoti is full of knowledge and very humble and kind towards her patients.
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Best wishes
Dr Narendra Kumar
D. S. Prosthetics & Orthotics Rehab Clinic
Devi Nagar, near Pet Care Hospital, adjoining Panchkula Golf club sector 3Panchkula Haryana
Nice clinic very trustable doctor dr jyoti…She is a good physiotherapist
great work